Saturday, November 19, 2011

quantum cryptology website

I just found a website that related to our topic discussed on Friday. Yes! The pretty difficult cryptology--- Quantum Cryptology! This website explain it very detailed. Hope it is helpful.


I am really confused that how should we classify bitcoin? Should it be classified as virtual goods or currency?

If bitcoin is classified as currency, it is not legally recognized by any country around the world. And there exists vaious trouble such as, the exchange rate, the trading place, the surveillant agency and even the whole conrresbondly currency system has not been established.

If bitcoin is classified as virtual goods, it still appear some problems. For example, if we use bitcoin in transaction, it means exchanging goods with goods. Though, it is protected by law, it will bring some trouble to government, such as tax returns, absence of regulator system and so on.

Bitcoin can develop economics situation and reduce inflation and deflation. However, the application of bitcoin need to be considered much deep.

Monday, November 14, 2011


We have talked a lot about surveillance on internet. Indeed, it is very controvertable debate just like every coin has two sides.

First, I want to talk about the surveillance on work. Business secrets are potentially valuable to rival companies. To steel documents, industrial spies use the tools and methods of a secret agent, and to protect the same documents, business will use some devices to help monitor employees, for the espionage threat that may come from inside the company.

As more business is done over the internet, people realize the importance of secretly accessing a person's emails and computer files for sales and products information. People could use a software called Robotic spy software, which can be emailed to a target's computer as a photo, music file or a greeting card. Once inside, the software infects the computer and sends secret copies of the user's emails an files to the spy over the internet.The more common method is using video cameras to spy on employees.

Just like surveillance on work. Government may use surveillance on internet to catch criminals activities. But during the surveillance, it will destroy private and liberty. And it may lead to the government abuse of surveillance right. I think it is necessary to monitor, but not for everyone. Just like doing a research, we need to pick up some samples.

watch out

I have hear a lot of cases like that: Some people deciphered your password and logged in your Skype account. Then, they found your contacts and just talked to your friends and even your parents. Of course, things were not so simple. They would make some excuses to ask your parents to send money to the intended bank account. If you could not find in time and connect to your friends and parents. The criminal succeeded.

In nowadays society, almost every young people will use internet to do various things: shopping on line, reading news, books, articles, chatting with friends, parents, booking different tickets, seeing movies, vedeos, writing blogs, essays and so on. We have leaked out so many personal information online, such as bank account information, family members' contacts, school information and so on. Those information are important and if were used by criminals, it would cause a great loss and demage.

So, the security of internet is very crutial for people because it recorded abundant private information.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

emergency of cryptology

After I reading the article about the application of cryptology in medicine,I realized that cryptology is not only important in military or national security affairs, it is also necessary in medicine .

There is a number of people depending on the medical device to cure their disease and to survive. Doctors treat patients by controling the device. But then, it appears a problem that if criminals handle this control, it brings danger to patients.

In this case, if the device can be controlled without cryptology, it is harmful for medicine and will damage social stability. However, medical devices are always small in order to implant to patients' bodies conveniently and safely. As a result, it becomes a serious problem for medical scientists to design the devices with cryptology function.

Though it is difficult but it is really necessary to invent such equipment to improve the security in medical devices. Hope there will be an advanced technology to solve this problem.

seeing the invisible

It is known to us all that people usually apply visual methods to keep secrets. For example, in the story " The Poisoned Pen", the murderer uses invisible inks to implement crime. It is really hard for people to detect such invisible evidence.

However, spies need to build such skills and use technology to make their vision keener. There are various kinds of tools help them see the invisible.

Magnifying lenses, which can zoom in, give people a closer view of private scenes. In additon, some photograph subjects in near darkness can still work. They carry with infrared light source, or night-vision optics, producing better photographys of documents. Such equipment gives spies abilities to see in very dim light. Also, they use the equipment looks like today's binoculars using angled mirror to see special scene.

It remind me of Detective Dee. I saw this movie yesterday night. Becuase of the struggle for power in Palace, some people use poison dissolved in water to kill people. I think such measure also belongs to invisible method because water will not attract people's attention and will not arise people's suspicion.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Animal spies

Have you heard animal spies before? It is creative to train animals to support or even replace the work of human agents.

Animal is rarely viewed with suspicion and tend to be left out because they often appear in our surroundings. Animals usually be trained as messengers or listener-in.

During World War 2, pigeons not only acted as secret message carriers but also like a scout. They were trained to fly along specific routes and then released carrying tiny cameras that took photos automatically at specific intevals revealing the location of enemy forces.

As for dog, one of the most familiar animals for people, they were used for the best messengers in the war because of their fast speed and sensitive sense of smell. When it was too dark, or too foggy, wet for people and pigeons, they can still work.

Moreover, people implanted electronic device into animals like microphone, transmitter and battery. But I just wonder did it demage animal's health, such as reduce their life?

The US Navy uses specially trained dolphins and sea lions to patrol harbors. Besides, people also train the mice, Sphinx moths and so on.