With the accelerated development of the cryptology, a growing number of people knockled down to study to improve the encryption technology.
Due to the disadvantages of monoalphabetic cipher that could be easily deciphered by analyzing the frequency of letters, priority is to create a new cipher with a higher level of security.
Then, came with polyalphabetic cipher.
One of the representative polyalphabetic ciphers machine is Alberti Cipher Disk.
Alberti Cipher Disk was the first simple substitution cipher machine ever made invented by an Indian man, Alberti.
This machine consists of two concentric disks with different letters and numbers on them, and attached by a common pin.
People spin the disk to make various substitution cipher alphabets, which means the same letter can be represented by distinct symbols.
The most crucial decipher key of this technology is the index agreed by cipher sender and intend recipient.
This technology speeded up the time needed to cipher and decipher codes as well as disturbed the analyze of letter frequency.
I try using this method to create a encoded sentences which selected from a song. Hope you can decipher it!
Note: Index=R Some missing letters in the disk is skipped in the encode message.
Encoded message: Y A V Z O K Y G A A S N Z V K F Y P O D B Y S S P S S P S Q M Z G A S A H O L H K Y M Z R F Z C P R X C Z C K X N C.
Look forward for your decipher message!