Thursday, September 29, 2011

codemakers vs codebreakers

For thousands of years, the battle between code makers and code breakers never stop. After reading a lot of information about cryptology, a question flashing to my mind: who is the winner during the evolution of codes?

From some people's point of views, code makers stand at the dominant position than code breakers. Considering the first secret message created by someone, no body apart from the sender and intended recipient knew about the contents of the message. This message would at very high level of security because few people touched cryptology in that time. This situation leaded to the superiority for code makers to protect communication.

However, with accelerated development of cryptology, an increasing number of people have knowlege about cryptology. Code makers lose their advantage in cryptology because some people break their cryptoloty and disclose the cipher text, most important, key and principles. As a result, everyone who know the approach to compile the message and it utterly damage the security.

"The ongoing battle between code makers and code breakers has inspired a whole series of remarkable scientific breakthroughs." When the code breakers decipher the codes, the code makers will try their best to create a new one. So, it is not difficult to understand during the codes history, people sometimes conceal the fact that they have already broken the cipher text to prevent enemies from creating new cipher method.

So, historically, code breakers seem like winners, because no matter how unbreakable the cryptology is, eventually, it will be broken by code breakers.

I just wonder whether or not there is a code that has not been cracked so far.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, contraire Jiyuan! The code breakers are not the winners in this battle between code breakers and code makers. In fact, the war is not over, and probably never will be. If there was a winner, the war would be over and there would be no need to create new ciphers because code makers would have discovered the ultimate code that is not only unbreakable but also practical. Logically, there is no way for cryptanalysts to win the war unless cryptographers give up and stop looking for better methods to conceal messages (which seems unlikely due to the increasing value of information). Because there is indeed an unbreakable code, the onetime cipher pad, the war continues not because cryptographers are looking for an unbreakable code, but because they are looking for a practical unbreakable code (or a breakable code that is practical to use and too expensive, or impractical, to decode). The question is not when will cryptographer create an unbreakable code. The question is when will buyers be satisfied with the price and practicality of what cryptographers put on the market.
